universal input stream (stdin) clearing or cleaning

Imagine that we have a very simple console menu function "mainmenu()" - something like this =

  int mainmenu(void)
     int ch; 
	 char* mtext = " Please specify the number of the task. \n * You can choose on number from set = {1} \n * Specify \"0\" to exit\n" ;
	 char* errmes = " Error(!) = Main menu does not support this command.\n Make sure that your task number is from menu set of commands and try again. " ;
	while (getchar() != '\n'); /*here we are cleaning the input = fflush(stdin) isn't cool variant;or use while (getchar() != '\n'); - but this'll stop program*/
       printf("\n%s",mtext );
      ch = getchar() ; /*user choose an item*/
		case '0':    printf("\n%s","you choise is item1 \n" );   /*menu item = just put here the name of your function instead of  printf()*/
		case '1':    printf("\n%s","you choise is item2 \n" );   /*menu item =  here the name of your function instead of  printf()*/
		default: printf("\n%s\n", errmes);
   return 0; 

There are 2 situations of mainmenu() work =
1) We get the first when the stdin wasn't empty at the moment we call this function =

int main()
                char ch;
                printf("\n%s","please specify a one symbol" ); /* but user've put "dgfhj3  \n"  */
                ch = getchar();
   /*in buffer we have "gfhj3  \n"*/
	return 0;

And in this situation all will we ok, because line

 while (getchar() != '\n'); 

will remove all data from stdin.

2) But may be the second variant - when the stdin is clear (empty) =

int main()
   /*in buffer we have nothing*/
	return 0;

In this situation the line

 while (getchar() != '\n'); 

will stop the program waiting from user at least an Enter pressing - but this isn't good - least because we even don't know- should we put a prompt message like this =

printf("\n%s"," technical pause - press Enter please" );

or not.
So as I think (and need) sould be a way to avoid this stopping.