bbfs.c =Joseph J. Pfeiffer - Пример файловой системы во FUSE

vedro-compota's picture

  Big Brother File System Файловая система Большого Брата

  The point of this FUSE filesystem is to provide an introduction to
  FUSE.  It was my first FUSE filesystem as I got to know the
  software; hopefully, the comments in this code will help people who
  follow later to get a gentler introduction.

  This might be called a no-op filesystem:  it doesn't impose
  filesystem semantics on top of any other existing structure.  It
  simply reports the requests that come in, and passes them to an
  underlying filesystem.  The information is saved in a logfile named
  bbfs.log, in the directory from which you run bbfs.

  gcc -Wall `pkg-config fuse --cflags --libs` -o bbfs bbfs.c

Файловая система Большого Брата

Целью этой системы является создание своеобразного "вступления" 
к работе с FUSE -
то есть примера, который поможет разобраться 
с основными моментами использования возможностей FUSE

Это моя первая файловая система в рамках знакомства 
с программным обеспечением , Надеюсь, что она будет способствовать тому, чтобы 
всем кто будет изучать FUSE после меня - это изучение давалось значительно легче. 

Данную файловую систему можно назвать "пустой"  -она НЕ ПРОИЗВОДИТ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО 
НИКАКОЙ РАБОТЫ СО СТРУКТУРАМИ ДАННЫХ( - не хранит всю информацию о файловой 
системе  - её иерархии - содержимом папок и файлов , например , в собственном бинарном 
файле - не использует самостоятельно никакую структуру представления данных для 
хранения файловой системы )  - данная файловая система ПРОСТО ОТВЕЧАЕТ
(например , той, которая по-умолчанию используется  вашей операционный системой).
Информация о произведённых действиях просто сохраняется в файл  bbfs.log -
который располагается в той же директории , откуда был запущен 
скомпилированный код данного файла 


#include "params.h"

#include ctype.h>
#include dirent.h>
#include errno.h>
#include fcntl.h>
#include fuse.h>
#include libgen.h>
#include limits.h>
#include stdlib.h>
#include stdio.h>
#include string.h>
#include unistd.h>
#include sys/types.h>
#include sys/xattr.h>

#include "log.h" // поключаем заголовок - чать этого проекта

// Report errors to logfile and give -errno to calle
// Делаем записи об ошибках в logfile и передаём сведения об ошибке в виде -errno 
static int bb_error(char *str)
    int ret = -errno;
    log_msg("    ERROR %s: %s\n", str, strerror(errno));
    return ret;

// Check whether the given user is permitted to perform the given operation on the given 

//  All the paths I see are relative to the root of the mounted
//  filesystem.  In order to get to the underlying filesystem, I need to
//  have the mountpoint.  I'll save it away early on in main(), and then
//  whenever I need a path for something I'll call this to construct
//  it.
static void bb_fullpath(char fpath[PATH_MAX], const char *path)
    strcpy(fpath, BB_DATA->rootdir);
    strncat(fpath, path, PATH_MAX); // ridiculously long paths will
				    // break here

    log_msg("    bb_fullpath:  rootdir = \"%s\", path = \"%s\", fpath = \"%s\"\n",
	    BB_DATA->rootdir, path, fpath);

// Prototypes for all these functions, and the C-style comments,
// come indirectly from /usr/include/fuse.h
/** Get file attributes.
 * Similar to stat().  The 'st_dev' and 'st_blksize' fields are
 * ignored.  The 'st_ino' field is ignored except if the 'use_ino'
 * mount option is given.
int bb_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *statbuf)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_getattr(path=\"%s\", statbuf=0x%08x)\n",
	  path, statbuf);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = lstat(fpath, statbuf);
    if (retstat != 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_getattr lstat");
    return retstat;

/** Read the target of a symbolic link 
  Читает цель, записанную в виде символов
 * The buffer should be filled with a null terminated string.  The
 * buffer size argument includes the space for the terminating
 * null character.  If the linkname is too long to fit in the
 * buffer, it should be truncated.  The return value should be 0
 * for success.
   Буфер должен быть заполнен строкой-ссылкой 
  которая заканчивается символом \0 - null
  Причём размер буфера подразумевает место для этого null-символа
  Если связующее имя ссылки слишком длинное для того,
 чтобы уместится в буфере , оно должно быть сокращено.
Признак успешного выполнения  это 0 в качестве 
возвращаемого значения.    

// Note the system readlink() will truncate and lose the terminating
// null.  So, the size passed  to the system readlink() must be one
// less than the size passed to bb_readlink()
// bb_readlink() code by Bernardo F Costa (thanks!)

/* ВНИМАНИЕ = системная функция  readlink() не добавляет null символ к передаваемой строке ,
который должен завершать строку, содержащую имя,
потому путь передаваемый передаваемый в readlink()
должен быть на один символ меньше пути для bb_readlink() - так
как  */
int bb_readlink(const char *path, char *link, size_t size)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("bb_readlink(path=\"%s\", link=\"%s\", size=%d)\n",
	  path, link, size);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = readlink(fpath, link, size - 1); // передаём на сивол меньше
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_readlink readlink");
    else  {
	link[retstat] = '\0'; // завершаем строку спец-символом
	retstat = 0;
    return retstat;

/** Create a file node
 * There is no create() operation, mknod() will be called for
 * creation of all non-directory, non-symlink nodes.
// shouldn't that comment be "if" there is no.... ?
int bb_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_mknod(path=\"%s\", mode=0%3o, dev=%lld)\n",
	  path, mode, dev);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    // On Linux this could just be 'mknod(path, mode, rdev)' but this
    //  is more portable
    if (S_ISREG(mode)) {
        retstat = open(fpath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, mode);
	if (retstat < 0)
	    retstat = bb_error("bb_mknod open");
        else {
            retstat = close(retstat);
	    if (retstat < 0)
		retstat = bb_error("bb_mknod close");
    } else
	if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) {
	    retstat = mkfifo(fpath, mode);
	    if (retstat < 0)
		retstat = bb_error("bb_mknod mkfifo");
	} else {
	    retstat = mknod(fpath, mode, dev);
	    if (retstat < 0)
		retstat = bb_error("bb_mknod mknod");
    return retstat;

/** Create a directory 
Описываем создание директории*/
int bb_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_mkdir(path=\"%s\", mode=0%3o)\n",
	    path, mode);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = mkdir(fpath, mode);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_mkdir mkdir");
    return retstat;

/** Remove a file */
int bb_unlink(const char *path)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = unlink(fpath);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_unlink unlink");
    return retstat;

/** Remove a directory */
int bb_rmdir(const char *path)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = rmdir(fpath);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_rmdir rmdir");
    return retstat;

/** Create a symbolic link */
// The parameters here are a little bit confusing, but do correspond
// to the symlink() system call.  The 'path' is where the link points,
// while the 'link' is the link itself.  So we need to leave the path
// unaltered, but insert the link into the mounted directory.
int bb_symlink(const char *path, const char *link)
    int retstat = 0;
    char flink[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_symlink(path=\"%s\", link=\"%s\")\n",
	    path, link);
    bb_fullpath(flink, link);
    retstat = symlink(path, flink);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_symlink symlink");
    return retstat;

/** Rename a file */
// both path and newpath are fs-relative
int bb_rename(const char *path, const char *newpath)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    char fnewpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_rename(fpath=\"%s\", newpath=\"%s\")\n",
	    path, newpath);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    bb_fullpath(fnewpath, newpath);
    retstat = rename(fpath, fnewpath);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_rename rename");
    return retstat;

/** Create a hard link to a file */
int bb_link(const char *path, const char *newpath)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX], fnewpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_link(path=\"%s\", newpath=\"%s\")\n",
	    path, newpath);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    bb_fullpath(fnewpath, newpath);
    retstat = link(fpath, fnewpath);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_link link");
    return retstat;

/** Change the permission bits of a file */
int bb_chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_chmod(fpath=\"%s\", mode=0%03o)\n",
	    path, mode);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = chmod(fpath, mode);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_chmod chmod");
    return retstat;

/** Change the owner and group of a file */
int bb_chown(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_chown(path=\"%s\", uid=%d, gid=%d)\n",
	    path, uid, gid);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = chown(fpath, uid, gid);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_chown chown");
    return retstat;

/** Change the size of a file */
int bb_truncate(const char *path, off_t newsize)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_truncate(path=\"%s\", newsize=%lld)\n",
	    path, newsize);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = truncate(fpath, newsize);
    if (retstat < 0)
	bb_error("bb_truncate truncate");
    return retstat;

/** Change the access and/or modification times of a file */
/* note -- I'll want to change this as soon as 2.6 is in debian testing */
int bb_utime(const char *path, struct utimbuf *ubuf)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_utime(path=\"%s\", ubuf=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, ubuf);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = utime(fpath, ubuf);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_utime utime");
    return retstat;

/** File open operation
 * No creation, or truncation flags (O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC)
 * will be passed to open().  Open should check if the operation
 * is permitted for the given flags.  Optionally open may also
 * return an arbitrary filehandle in the fuse_file_info structure,
 * which will be passed to all file operations.
 * Changed in version 2.2
int bb_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    int fd;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_open(path\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, fi);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    fd = open(fpath, fi->flags);
    if (fd < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_open open");
    fi->fh = fd;
    return retstat;

/** Read data from an open file
 * Read should return exactly the number of bytes requested except
 * on EOF or error, otherwise the rest of the data will be
 * substituted with zeroes.  An exception to this is when the
 * 'direct_io' mount option is specified, in which case the return
 * value of the read system call will reflect the return value of
 * this operation.
 * Changed in version 2.2
// I don't fully understand the documentation above -- it doesn't
// match the documentation for the read() system call which says it
// can return with anything up to the amount of data requested. nor
// with the fusexmp code which returns the amount of data also
// returned by read.
int bb_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_read(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, buf, size, offset, fi);
    // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path
    retstat = pread(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_read read");
    return retstat;

/** Write data to an open file
 * Write should return exactly the number of bytes requested
 * except on error.  An exception to this is when the 'direct_io'
 * mount option is specified (see read operation).
 * Changed in version 2.2
// As  with read(), the documentation above is inconsistent with the
// documentation for the write() system call.
int bb_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
	     struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_write(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, buf, size, offset, fi
    // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path
    retstat = pwrite(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_write pwrite");
    return retstat;

/** Get file system statistics
 * The 'f_frsize', 'f_favail', 'f_fsid' and 'f_flag' fields are ignored
 * Replaced 'struct statfs' parameter with 'struct statvfs' in
 * version 2.5
int bb_statfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *statv)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_statfs(path=\"%s\", statv=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, statv);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    // get stats for underlying filesystem
    retstat = statvfs(fpath, statv);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_statfs statvfs");
    return retstat;

/** Possibly flush cached data
 * BIG NOTE: This is not equivalent to fsync().  It's not a
 * request to sync dirty data.
 * Flush is called on each close() of a file descriptor.  So if a
 * filesystem wants to return write errors in close() and the file
 * has cached dirty data, this is a good place to write back data
 * and return any errors.  Since many applications ignore close()
 * errors this is not always useful.
 * NOTE: The flush() method may be called more than once for each
 * open().  This happens if more than one file descriptor refers
 * to an opened file due to dup(), dup2() or fork() calls.  It is
 * not possible to determine if a flush is final, so each flush
 * should be treated equally.  Multiple write-flush sequences are
 * relatively rare, so this shouldn't be a problem.
 * Filesystems shouldn't assume that flush will always be called
 * after some writes, or that if will be called at all.
 * Changed in version 2.2
int bb_flush(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_flush(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);
    // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path
    return retstat;

/** Release an open file
 * Release is called when there are no more references to an open
 * file: all file descriptors are closed and all memory mappings
 * are unmapped.
 * For every open() call there will be exactly one release() call
 * with the same flags and file descriptor.  It is possible to
 * have a file opened more than once, in which case only the last
 * release will mean, that no more reads/writes will happen on the
 * file.  The return value of release is ignored.
 * Changed in version 2.2
int bb_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_release(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n",
	  path, fi);

    // We need to close the file.  Had we allocated any resources
    // (buffers etc) we'd need to free them here as well.
    retstat = close(fi->fh);
    return retstat;

/** Synchronize file contents
 * If the datasync parameter is non-zero, then only the user data
 * should be flushed, not the meta data.
 * Changed in version 2.2
int bb_fsync(const char *path, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_fsync(path=\"%s\", datasync=%d, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, datasync, fi);
    if (datasync)
	retstat = fdatasync(fi->fh);
	retstat = fsync(fi->fh);
    if (retstat < 0)
	bb_error("bb_fsync fsync");
    return retstat;

/** Set extended attributes */
int bb_setxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const char *value, size_t size, int flags)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_setxattr(path=\"%s\", name=\"%s\", value=\"%s\", size=%d, flags=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, name, value, size, flags);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = lsetxattr(fpath, name, value, size, flags);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_setxattr lsetxattr");
    return retstat;

/** Get extended attributes */
int bb_getxattr(const char *path, const char *name, char *value, size_t size)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_getxattr(path = \"%s\", name = \"%s\", value = 0x%08x, size = %d)\n",
	    path, name, value, size);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = lgetxattr(fpath, name, value, size);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_getxattr lgetxattr");
	log_msg("    value = \"%s\"\n", value);
    return retstat;

/** List extended attributes */
int bb_listxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    char *ptr;
    log_msg("bb_listxattr(path=\"%s\", list=0x%08x, size=%d)\n",
	    path, list, size
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = llistxattr(fpath, list, size);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_listxattr llistxattr");
    log_msg("    returned attributes (length %d):\n", retstat);
    for (ptr = list; ptr < list + retstat; ptr += strlen(ptr)+1)
	log_msg("    \"%s\"\n", ptr);
    return retstat;

/** Remove extended attributes */
int bb_removexattr(const char *path, const char *name)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_removexattr(path=\"%s\", name=\"%s\")\n",
	    path, name);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = lremovexattr(fpath, name);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_removexattr lrmovexattr");
    return retstat;

/** Open directory
 * This method should check if the open operation is permitted for
 * this  directory
 * Introduced in version 2.3
int bb_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    DIR *dp;
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_opendir(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n",
	  path, fi);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    dp = opendir(fpath);
    if (dp == NULL)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_opendir opendir");
    fi->fh = (intptr_t) dp;
    return retstat;

/** Read directory
 * This supersedes the old getdir() interface.  New applications
 * should use this.
 * The filesystem may choose between two modes of operation:
 * 1) The readdir implementation ignores the offset parameter, and
 * passes zero to the filler function's offset.  The filler
 * function will not return '1' (unless an error happens), so the
 * whole directory is read in a single readdir operation.  This
 * works just like the old getdir() method.
 * 2) The readdir implementation keeps track of the offsets of the
 * directory entries.  It uses the offset parameter and always
 * passes non-zero offset to the filler function.  When the buffer
 * is full (or an error happens) the filler function will return
 * '1'.
 * Introduced in version 2.3
int bb_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset,
	       struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    DIR *dp;
    struct dirent *de;
    log_msg("\nbb_readdir(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, filler=0x%08x, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, buf, filler, offset, fi);
    // once again, no need for fullpath -- but note that I need to cast fi->fh
    dp = (DIR *) (uintptr_t) fi->fh;

    // Every directory contains at least two entries: . and ..  If my
    // first call to the system readdir() returns NULL I've got an
    // error; near as I can tell, that's the only condition under
    // which I can get an error from readdir()
    de = readdir(dp);
    if (de == 0) {
	retstat = bb_error("bb_readdir readdir");
	return retstat;

    // This will copy the entire directory into the buffer.  The loop exits
    // when either the system readdir() returns NULL, or filler()
    // returns something non-zero.  The first case just means I've
    // read the whole directory; the second means the buffer is full.
    do {
	log_msg("calling filler with name %s\n", de->d_name);
	if (filler(buf, de->d_name, NULL, 0) != 0) {
	    log_msg("    ERROR bb_readdir filler:  buffer full");
	    return -ENOMEM;
    } while ((de = readdir(dp)) != NULL);
    return retstat;

/** Release directory
 * Introduced in version 2.3
int bb_releasedir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_releasedir(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, fi);
    closedir((DIR *) (uintptr_t) fi->fh);
    return retstat;

/** Synchronize directory contents
 * If the datasync parameter is non-zero, then only the user data
 * should be flushed, not the meta data
 * Introduced in version 2.3
// when exactly is this called?  when a user calls fsync and it
// happens to be a directory? ???
int bb_fsyncdir(const char *path, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_fsyncdir(path=\"%s\", datasync=%d, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, datasync, fi);
    return retstat;

 * Initialize filesystem
 * The return value will passed in the private_data field of
 * fuse_context to all file operations and as a parameter to the
 * destroy() method.
 * Introduced in version 2.3
 * Changed in version 2.6
// Undocumented but extraordinarily useful fact:  the fuse_context is
// set up before this function is called, and
// fuse_get_context()->private_data returns the user_data passed to
// fuse_main().  Really seems like either it should be a third
// parameter coming in here, or else the fact should be documented
// (and this might as well return void, as it did in older versions of
// FUSE).
void *bb_init(struct fuse_conn_info *conn)
    return BB_DATA;

 * Clean up filesystem
 * Called on filesystem exit.
 * Introduced in version 2.3
void bb_destroy(void *userdata)
    log_msg("\nbb_destroy(userdata=0x%08x)\n", userdata);

 * Check file access permissions
 * This will be called for the access() system call.  If the
 * 'default_permissions' mount option is given, this method is not
 * called.
 * This method is not called under Linux kernel versions 2.4.x
 * Introduced in version 2.5
int bb_access(const char *path, int mask)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    log_msg("\nbb_access(path=\"%s\", mask=0%o)\n",
	    path, mask);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    retstat = access(fpath, mask);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_access access");
    return retstat;

 * Create and open a file
 * If the file does not exist, first create it with the specified
 * mode, and then open it.
 * If this method is not implemented or under Linux kernel
 * versions earlier than 2.6.15, the mknod() and open() methods
 * will be called instead.
 * Introduced in version 2.5
int bb_create(const char *path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    int fd;
    log_msg("\nbb_create(path=\"%s\", mode=0%03o, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, mode, fi);
    bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
    fd = creat(fpath, mode);
    if (fd < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_create creat");
    fi->fh = fd;
    return retstat;

 * Change the size of an open file
 * This method is called instead of the truncate() method if the
 * truncation was invoked from an ftruncate() system call.
 * If this method is not implemented or under Linux kernel
 * versions earlier than 2.6.15, the truncate() method will be
 * called instead.
 * Introduced in version 2.5
int bb_ftruncate(const char *path, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_ftruncate(path=\"%s\", offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, offset, fi);
    retstat = ftruncate(fi->fh, offset);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_ftruncate ftruncate");
    return retstat;

 * Get attributes from an open file
 * This method is called instead of the getattr() method if the
 * file information is available.
 * Currently this is only called after the create() method if that
 * is implemented (see above).  Later it may be called for
 * invocations of fstat() too.
 * Introduced in version 2.5
// Since it's currently only called after bb_create(), and bb_create()
// opens the file, I ought to be able to just use the fd and ignore
// the path...
int bb_fgetattr(const char *path, struct stat *statbuf, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    log_msg("\nbb_fgetattr(path=\"%s\", statbuf=0x%08x, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, statbuf, fi);
    retstat = fstat(fi->fh, statbuf);
    if (retstat < 0)
	retstat = bb_error("bb_fgetattr fstat");
    return retstat;

struct fuse_operations bb_oper = {
  .getattr = bb_getattr,
  .readlink = bb_readlink,
  // no .getdir -- that's deprecated
  .getdir = NULL,
  .mknod = bb_mknod,
  .mkdir = bb_mkdir,
  .unlink = bb_unlink,
  .rmdir = bb_rmdir,
  .symlink = bb_symlink,
  .rename = bb_rename,
  .link = bb_link,
  .chmod = bb_chmod,
  .chown = bb_chown,
  .truncate = bb_truncate,
  .utime = bb_utime,
  .open = bb_open,
  .read = bb_read,
  .write = bb_write,
  /** Just a placeholder, don't set */ // huh???
  .statfs = bb_statfs,
  .flush = bb_flush,
  .release = bb_release,
  .fsync = bb_fsync,
  .setxattr = bb_setxattr,
  .getxattr = bb_getxattr,
  .listxattr = bb_listxattr,
  .removexattr = bb_removexattr,
  .opendir = bb_opendir,
  .readdir = bb_readdir,
  .releasedir = bb_releasedir,
  .fsyncdir = bb_fsyncdir,
  .init = bb_init,
  .destroy = bb_destroy,
  .access = bb_access,
  .create = bb_create,
  .ftruncate = bb_ftruncate,
  .fgetattr = bb_fgetattr

void bb_usage()
    fprintf(stderr, "usage:  bbfs rootDir mountPoint\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;
    int fuse_stat;
    struct bb_state *bb_data;

    // bbfs doesn't do any access checking on its own (the comment
    // blocks in fuse.h mention some of the functions that need
    // accesses checked -- but note there are other functions, like
    // chown(), that also need checking!).  Since running bbfs as root
    // will therefore open Metrodome-sized holes in the system
    // security, we'll check if root is trying to mount the filesystem
    // and refuse if it is.  The somewhat smaller hole of an ordinary
    // user doing it with the allow_other flag is still there because
    // I don't want to parse the options string.
    if ((getuid() == 0) || (geteuid() == 0)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Running BBFS as root opens unnacceptable security holes\n");
	return 1;

    bb_data = calloc(sizeof(struct bb_state), 1);
    if (bb_data == NULL) {
	perror("main calloc");
    bb_data->logfile = log_open();
    // libfuse is able to do most of the command line parsing; all I
    // need to do is to extract the rootdir; this will be the first
    // non-option passed in.  I'm using the GNU non-standard extension
    // and having realpath malloc the space for the path
    // the string.
    for (i = 1; (i < argc) && (argv[i][0] == '-'); i++)
	if (argv[i][1] == 'o') i++; // -o takes a parameter; need to
				    // skip it too.  This doesn't
				    // handle "squashed" parameters
    if ((argc - i) != 2) bb_usage();
    bb_data->rootdir = realpath(argv[i], NULL);

    argv[i] = argv[i+1];

    fprintf(stderr, "about to call fuse_main\n");
    fuse_stat = fuse_main(argc, argv, &bb_oper, bb_data);
    fprintf(stderr, "fuse_main returned %d\n", fuse_stat);
    return fuse_stat;

матфак вгу и остальная классика =)