друпал 7 - создание формы в админке модуля - drupal 7 create form

например так:

/*эта функция выводит форму с настройками модуля*/
function lightmirror_form($form, &$form_state) {
	$queryResult = nodes_to_text_file_retrieve_content_types();

	$options = array();
	while($record = $queryResult->fetchAssoc()) {
    	$options[$record['type']] = t($record['name']);

  	$form['nodestypes'] = array(
		'#action' => '#', //The action attribute of the HTML form tag
		  'name' => array ( //We define a simple text field for the "name"
		   '#type' => 'textfield',
		   '#title' => t('My pretty name'), //The label that will be placed with the field
		   '#description' => t('My descrition'), //The description will be placed right below the field
		   '#required' => TRUE, //If true the system will perform a simple check on submit so that it is never empty
		  'submit' => array ( //We define a simple submit button
		   '#type' => 'submit',
		   '#value' => t('My submit'),

  return system_settings_form($form);