Рассказать о себе по-английски студенту (выпускнику)

ВНИМАНИЕ: подчёркнутые слова употребляйте только если они подходят лично вам

Значит - хитрый сотрудик отдела кадров вам говорит что-то вроде:

please tell me about yourself!

А вы ему на это:


My name is ilya (as i've already said)
I recently graduated with a bachelors degree from the Computer Science Faculty.
And now I study mathematics at the Masters section of Faculty of Mathematics in Voronezh State University

Speaking about my character I think I am sociable person
I like creativity and also appreciate this trait in others. Of course - like clever people, but I do not think intelligence is the main feature of human.

I don't like to he and I feel when others do. I try not to be late and I hate when others don't come on time. I prefer to associate with clever and polite people. It is very annoying when somebody whom I trust turns out to be unreliable.

But I try to treat other people so as I want them to treat me. I see the man whom I am looking for also as a person with a strong and sound body and mind. The person, who is interesting to talk to, whom I can trust and rely on.

As for my interests I love philosophy and love to listen people who understand philosophy of their profession and have some own variant of life philosophy

As for my interests I am fond of psychology in the sphere of dealing with people and the questions of how to form your thoughts in the most favourable way. I adore travelling, seeing other people, their traditions, customs, to get acquainted with their culture, going sightseeing. Besides I like different kinds of music, I like music with rhythm you can dance to.


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