pexports - консоль переработки dll

эта консоль размещена во время моих мучений с данной темой =

C:\Documents and Settings\rooter>cd C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>pexports QtCore4.dll > Qt4Core4.def

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -dllname QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output-lib libQtC
dlltool: Can't open def file: llname

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool-dllname QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output-lib libQtCo
"dlltool-dllname" не является внутренней или внешней
командой, исполняемой программой или пакетным файлом.

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -dllname QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output-lib libQtC
dlltool: Can't open def file: llname

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output-lib libQtCore4.a
dlltool: Unable to open object file: Цdef: No such file or directory

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -dllname QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output -lib libQt
dlltool: Can't open def file: llname

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -help
Usage dlltool <option(s)> <object-file(s)>
-m --machine <machine> Create as DLL for <machine>. [default: i386]
possible <machine>: arm[_interwork], i386, mcore[-elf]{-le|-be}, ppc, th
-e --output-exp <outname> Generate an export file.
-l --output-lib <outname> Generate an interface library.
-y --output-delaylib <outname> Create a delay-import library.
-a --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file.
-D --dllname <name> Name of input dll to put into interface lib.
-d --input-def <deffile> Name of .def file to be read in.
-z --output-def <deffile> Name of .def file to be created.
--export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def
--no-export-all-symbols Only export listed symbols
--exclude-symbols <list> Don't export <list>
--no-default-excludes Clear default exclude symbols
-b --base-file <basefile> Read linker generated base file.
-x --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section.
-c --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section.
--use-nul-prefixed-import-tables Use zero prefixed idata$4 and idata$5.
-U --add-underscore Add underscores to all symbols in interface library
--add-stdcall-underscore Add underscores to stdcall symbols in interface l
--no-leading-underscore All symbols shouldn't be prefixed by an underscore
--leading-underscore All symbols should be prefixed by an underscore.
-k --kill-at Kill @<n> from exported names.
-A --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @<n>.
-p --ext-prefix-alias <prefix> Add aliases with <prefix>.
-S --as <name> Use <name> for assembler.
-f --as-flags <flags> Pass <flags> to the assembler.
-C --compat-implib Create backward compatible import library.
-n --no-delete Keep temp files (repeat for extra preservation).
-t --temp-prefix <prefix> Use <prefix> to construct temp file names.
-I --identify <implib> Report the name of the DLL associated with <implib>
--identify-strict Causes --identify to report error when multiple DLL
-v --verbose Be verbose.
-V --version Display the program version.
-h --help Display this information.
@<file> Read options from <file>.
Report bugs to <>

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -D QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output -lib libQtCore4.
dlltool: Unable to open object file: Цdef: No such file or directory

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -D QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output -lib libQtCore4.
dlltool: Can't open def file: ef

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -D QtCore4.dll -def QtCore4.def -output -lib libQtCore4.
dlltool: Can't open def file: ef

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -D QtCore4.dll -d QtCore4.def -output -lib libQtCore4.a
dlltool: Can't open def file: QtCore4.def

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>pexports QtCore4.dll > Qt4Core.def

C:\Qt\4.8.3\bin>dlltool -D QtCore4.dll -d Qt4Core.def -output -lib libQtCore4.a
dlltool: Unable to open object file: Цoutput: No such file or directory