params.h - ===Joseph J. Pfeiffer- Пример файловой системы во FUSE

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содержимое файла (не забудьте исправить #include инструкции) =

// There are a couple of symbols that need to be #defined before
// #including all the headers.

#ifndef _PARAMS_H_
#define _PARAMS_H_

// The FUSE API has been changed a number of times.  So, our code
// needs to define the version of the API that we assume.  As of this
// writing, the most current API version is 26

// need this to get pwrite().  I have to use setvbuf() instead of
// setlinebuf() later in consequence.
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500

// maintain bbfs state in here
#include limits.h>
#include stdio.h>
struct bb_state {
    FILE *logfile;
    char *rootdir;
#define BB_DATA ((struct bb_state *) fuse_get_context()->private_data)
